JustWink Greeting Cards - Illustrations

Project Overview

Along with my UI, animation/demo responsibilities of the justWink app, I also was tasked with concepting and designing the actual cards. As a team we all got together to come up with theme ideas and help our card-writers come up with some pretty sarcastically-sophisticated taglines for all holidays, and some non-holidays. The cards I'm showcasing here are just a few classics of many cards I created.

The great thing about the tone of JustWink cards is that it can be both subtle humor and in-your-face. One minute it can start out classy, and the next minute it's as if a crazy uncle just walked and told the dirtiest limerick you ever heard. I've left out a few of the more... racy cards, but I assure you they do exist.

Project Basics

  • Duration: Summer 2011 - January 2014
  • What I did: Senior Creative Developer - Iconography, Illustrations
  • Programs Used: Photoshop (CS 5/6 at the time), Illustrator (CS 5/6 at the time)
  • Brand Partnerships: TOMS, Apple, Microsoft
  • Links: justWink.com

My favorite card is the one I both wrote and designed, that was also made into a physical card and sold in stores during holiday 2011.